Year 10 XL Science Visit

8 May 2024

A group of Year 10 students took part in an XL Science event at Ashton Sixth Form College last week. The theme of the day was Chemistry, Biology and Geology, with students participating in workshops throughout the day.

Students extracted their own DNA and inserted this into jewellery during Biology. They then used molymods to construct different isomers of pentene in Chemistry and used this to look at the physical and chemical properties of isomers. Students also observed how climate can effect microfossil formation and how this can be used for evidence of climate change over time (Geology).

Guest speaker Juliette Hilton, a Newcastle University MPharm Graduate spoke about ‘The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis and the Role of the Pharmacist’ which generated great discussion between the students. 

The day gave everyone a fantastic insight into what it would be like to study these subjects at A Level and all students were an absolute credit to themselves and the school. 

Stamford Park Trust