Extensive range of extra curricular opportunities
Built on strong values and high expectations
National Flagship School for Inclusion
Our community is supported and challenged
Award for leading school partnerships with our families

Excellence and Ambition for all

Longdendale High School joined Stamford Park Trust (MAT) in January 2021.

Being part of our thriving Trust brings high standards, expertise and our core values, together with the right resources and goals to ensure our students are unashamedly ambitious, have access to outstanding opportunities and make excellent progress. 


Important dates

To view the school calendar for 2023-2024, click here


Latest News

Image of Tameside Athletics
3 July 2024

Tameside Athletics

Image of Teddy Bears Picnic
10 June 2024

Teddy Bears Picnic

Image of Football Champions!
22 May 2024

Football Champions!


Transition into year 7



Class charts

Parent Pay

Term Dates

Recent letters

School day

Safe Watch

Stamford Park Trust